

SOCIAL media management & CONTENT CREATION

We develop social media strategies and content; including calendar planning, content curation, post scheduling, analytics and performance tracking. We manage clients owned social feeds daily, and work across most of the major platforms through Hootsuite and HubSpot.

With a deep understanding of consumer behaviour, we create content that’s targeted, informative, and entertaining, consistently delivered through the best use of the platforms we work in.

We understand that the social and digital landscape changes regularly, we embrace this change, by reinventing ourselves to stay competitive and ultimately to keep our clients competitive.

Thought Leadership & Brand Authority

Thought leadership content is published assets that unpack the expertise and innovation within your company, through digestible insights which help customers make decisions or solve problems. Properly executed, thought leadership is the ultimate expression of your brand authority.

We combine audience research, content strategy, empathic communication, and consistent message delivery to help you engage with target audiences in multiple formats.

We help you develop published assets that work together across media channels, keeping your brand top of mind so customers think of you first when a need or opportunity arises.

Advertising & Paid media campaigns

Our paid media services naturally complement to our social media organic content services. Or, you can opt for standalone paid ad campaigns to give your marketing mix an added boost.

We approach paid media campaigns with a proven formula that relies on creative strategy, advertising techniques and analytics. Trying to drive traffic with basic run-of-the-mill ads is a pointless waste of budget; you need paid media that both performs AND builds brand value.

From understanding your audience, creating new audiences, choosing the right platforms, and utilizing new technology, we ensure your spend has impact.

SOCIAL media management & CONTENT creation
Building unique voice for better brand engagement


We develop content that supports organic growth, cuts through the online clutter of marketing sameness, and boosts brand differentiation, recall, and awareness.

In our world, we understand organic social media growth is costly, and time consuming. Many organizations choose to not make it a priority, don’t invest in it, or simply ignore it altogether. Others invest time and money without a plan or compelling strategy leading to mixed results with minimal brand growth. We aim to change this equation, no matter what industry or sector you’re in, a strong social media presence is an undeniable key to brand growth.

We rise to this challenge because of our belief that good, creative quality content will simply encourage more sharing, engagement and ultimately lead to better sales performance. Strong on its own, it can also enhance any marketing mix and add value to any investment in paid media.

From startups to established brands our services can increase brand awareness, sharpen differentiation, improve communications and messaging, create healthier customer engagement, and build better online communities.

We use a combination of brand strategy, creativity and technology to deliver unique, authentic content delivered for a fixed cost from a single agency partner.

We build on four key fundamentals

Grow Your Audience

Growing audience sometimes means going beyond the typical tactics, and doing new and unexpected things. Through analysis and consultation with you, we identify potential and underserved audiences, we utilize platforms and technology like Instagram AR filters or Facebook live to tap into that growth potential. We also harness 3rd party user data to develop content specifically aimed at growing those audiences.

Build Trust

The most powerful and valued attribute of any successful brand, is trust. We develop content that moves beyond promotion and taps into deeper, more meaningful connections with consumers. We build trust through community management, replies and conversations, interactions and back up our claims with client testimonials, case studies and customer reviews.

Audience Targeting

With technology, metrics and old fashioned marketing techniques we identify your customers by location, age range, interests and online activities. Beyond targeting, we regularly advise clients on ways of improving product and service propositions, we develop personification profiles, tone of voice, and develop brand attributes to better align the brand with potential new customers.

Better Search Ranking

Healthy social channels encourage website traffic, backlinking, longer time on sites, and quicker indexing; all key factors in Google search ranking. Engagement signals like shares, likes and comments contribute to Google’s brand authority scores. We understand these relationships and concentrate on developing all these areas of your feed. From optimized content, to backlinking strategies to driving engagement, we aim to generate authentic long term SEO benefits.

Tailored for your needs & budget

Our social media marketing and management service packages include calendar planning, and posting, delivered at a fixed cost, tailored to your specific needs, goals and budget. Always looking to keep our clients ahead of competition we consult on an ongoing basis, we help you navigate the changing digital landscape and evolving consumer behaviour.

Our proposition is simple, move past the do-it-yourself looking feeds, uninspired content, randomly scheduled posts and missed opportunities. Make better use of your time and money and build a brand online that matters.

What you can expect from us:

  • Customized fixed fee service packages, based on needs and budget
  • Brand platform development including, key messages, competitive analysis, tone of voice, customer persona’s, and target demographics
  • Custom graphics development, including motion design, video, still photography production and post and/or stock footage
  • Blog development and copywriting services => Though Leadership service
  • Owned social feed daily management, including; calendar planning scheduling, posting and advanced post approval
  • Post artwork and content adjusted for each platform
  • Media outreach and pitching to relevant journalists and influencers to increase exposure through earned media
  • Community management, customer response, feed commenting management and brand protection
  • Organic exposure building,targeting influencers and/or influential followers in your community and begin conversations to increase brand exposure
  • Monthly, or quarterly reporting, post analysis and key metrics presented in a simple clear format



We develop advertising campaigns supported by paid media built to drive awareness, engagement, and sales.

Consumers choose brands that understand their needs and differences and whose values align with theirs. We understand this and work closely with clients to uncover their uniqueness, personality and the values that drive their products and services.

With this knowledge and insight we develop creative that tells a story, in a simple, authentic, human way. To ensure we are delivering a personally meaningful message we use highly targeted methods of segmentation, tracking technology, layered audiences, algorithmic targeting and data-driven optimization

We believe messages, delivered in a new and thought-provoking way, will increase the odds they’ll be shared by followers, who add credibility and awareness. We work in all major platforms; search, social, display and use a combination of technology and creativity with data-driven insights to drive highly targeted, beautifully crafted campaigns that perform and build brand.

Simply stated, creatively executed paid media is an effective way to expand your brand reach, generate traffic, get more conversions, and is a powerful boost when mixed with organic social media.

Paid Social Advertising Channels & platforms:

Google Ads

Affordable and straightforward the Google Ad platform is one of the most effective PPC channels available. Search ads are text based and appear on Google results pages; display ads are image-based and are shown on web pages within the Google Display Network and Video ads are between six and 15 seconds and appear on YouTube. Through these ad formats and platforms, we help you reach new customers, drive traffic, raise your profile, and ultimately conversions. Through our creative services, copywriting and design, video and motion we create campaigns that are both beautiful and effective, delivered across all properties or a single one. Our ad campaigns includes A/B testing, creative copywriting and a CTA that delivers what the searcher expects based on their search and gets your brand in front of the right customers with the right purchasing intent. Reporting is detailed and accurate, we track progress and make adjustments in real time.

Facebook Advertising

With a user base of nearly 3 billion, powerful targeting abilities and a variety of ad types, and integrations, Facebook advertising can yield significant results with modest spends. Suitable for targeting any demographic, with any product or service, Facebook now sees an uptick in B2B adoption. Facebook ads are targeted to users based on highly detailed data including; location, age, interests, connections, relationship status, languages, education, interests and much more. Ad formats include image carousels, boosted posts, video ads and powerful integrations with many platforms. With all this in mind we approach Facebook advertising to leverage these strengths and grow clients audiences, driving traffic to their website or generate leads directly without leaving Facebook platform. Through effective creative campaigns, or content that can be boosted and shared all with a purpose in any phase of the sales funnel. Our creative approach delivers unique and beautiful campaigns that combine authenticity, the right tone of voice and visuals and motion that amplify this voice.

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn is the go-to platform for both B2B brands and some B2C brands. With highly valuable targeting, it targets professionals based on their geography, industry, company size, members schools and interests, groups, skills, job titles and more. Ad formats range from sponsored content, message ads, dynamic ads, and text ads, valuable for every stage of your sales cycle, allowing you to drive leads, build brand awareness, and nurture key relationships. We utilize LinkedIn to build brand awareness, website visits, audience engagement, video views and conversions, lead generation, website conversions, and job applicants. We start with market research and competitor analysis, develop strategies for prospecting or targeting based on client goals. We utilize creative media and motion for highly visual creative campaigns, and develop both long and short form content engineered to be shared and boosted. We effectively implement AB testing, message testing, and ad format testing, on an ongoing basis to ensure ads spends are effective.

Instagram Advertising

A particular strength of Nubrand, Instagram is a highly visual, engaging advertising platform. Users are younger, more engaged and almost exclusively on mobile devices. It is the platform of choice for e-commerce brands due to direct integration with platforms such as Shopify. Instagram has the capability to run photo, video, carousel and story ads which now has over 250 million daily users. Beyond image and video posts, IG offers AR technology and brand filters you can use to create deeply engaging and shareable moments in ways no other platform can deliver.

See our IG offer =>

Build brand and business performance, from prospecting, to audience expansion and remarketing. No matter what business you are in, chances are your clients and customers are within reach through paid social. Each network appeals to different audience segments, and offers different ways to interact, all deliver the ability to laser target specific groups, locations and people.

Find out what the possibilities are for your brand and tap into a world of new opportunities – to discuss a new campaign or improving existing campaigns, contact us and get in touch today.

What you can expect from us:

  • End-to-end advertising and creative campaign development
  • Video, photography, and animation media production and postproduction
  • Copywriting, story development and creative services
  • Customer/Audience profiling and persona development
  • Personalization, audience targeting, lookalike and re-marketed audiences
  • Daily ad monitoring and real time ad and audience optimization
  • Split testing to ensure best use of budget and best campaigns are adopted
  • Ad format development, including carousel ads, video ads, text message ads, sponsored content, message ads, dynamic ads
  • Custom Instagram filter development and AR Spark development services
  • Native posts and content boosting and promotion
  • Simple, detailed ad performance reports and ROI including conversions data

Thought leadership
Brand Authority Content Program
Build your brand authority with
help from the brand experts


We can help you develop a thought leadership content strategy and published assets that work together to reach target audiences, engage them with valuable information, and keep your brand top of mind so customers think of you first when a need or opportunity arises.

We use a combination of research, personal branding, consistent social audience building, and support to help clients create authentic, ongoing thought leadership content.

Brand authority is not a status you can adopt yourself. It depends on reputation and the trust others assign to you.

Brand authority is an elusive yet desirable quality that bolsters the success of marketing. If the public accepts your company as a legitimate expert within its field, then your company has brand authority.

But brand authority is not a status you can adopt yourself. It depends on reputation and the trust others assign to you.

That being said, brand authority is in your hands to shape. With time, consistency, and a strategic content plan, it can become a valuable business asset that gives you an edge in your niche.

Thought leadership: where brand authority meets corporate storytelling

We’ve all seen (and ignored) generic corporate blogs — this is not that. Brand authority requires “thought leadership” content. This is content that unpacks the breadth and depth of expertise within your company and offers it up as valuable insights that you publish to help customers make decisions or solve problems.

Properly executed, thought leadership is the ultimate expression of your brand authority. The best thought leadership content does the following:

  • Helps you build and maintain trust with the audiences most valuable to you and your company.
  • Demonstrates your company is filled with intellectually curious, creative, thoughtful, smart individuals.
  • Distills the experiences, original research, and observations of your people into truly original white papers, articles, podcasts, webinars, or other published assets that no one else can produce. In the content marketing world, this is known as “owned media” in contrast to paid media (such as advertising) and earned media (such as being mentioned or profiled by a journalist).
  • Cements your reputation as a trusted advisor by highlighting your collective expertise in creative ways and multiple formats.
  • Makes you part of the conversation, early in the customer journey.
  • Generates sales leads and helps close deals.

Content marketing: strategy, planning and execution

Thought leadership is something you achieve by successfully implementing content marketing. It requires a strategic content plan that maps out an editorial calendar, distribution channels, information and development resources, key messages, and topics of audience interest.

Content must have an objective that reflects business goals. That doesn’t mean writing about the wonders of your products or services; but it does mean defining where and how you’re different. In other words, what do you want to be famous for?

Brands that succeed at thought leadership do the following:

  • They are consistent in creating desirable, engaging content tailored to share across multiple channels and formats.
  • They create content for each stage of the buyer journey and increase conversion speed by answering all the questions as buyers progress down the funnel.
  • They define topics of interest and produce deep research on these subjects to understand them from every angle. This means taking the time to understand buyers and customers, developing content that aligns to their world, and optimizing the content continually.
  • They focus on educating their audience with valuable information about relevant topics of interest, helping readers stay ahead of emerging trends and make better, more informed decisions.
  • They repurpose content (i.e. blog posts, case studies, videos, downloadable resources like white papers and ebooks, etc.) into digestible tidbits that can be shared in other media and formats (i.e. guest blogs, bylined articles and op-eds, social media posts, infographics, memes, etc.) to drive brand awareness, expand audience, and send prospects to their website.
  • They keep an eye on what influencers in their industry are saying and sharing, and look for ways to create content that contributes to these conversations by advancing theories or providing solutions.

What you can expect from us:

  • Forensic analysis of existing content strategy and assets to identify what’s missing, what can be repurposed, where to focus, what channels/markets and audiences should be targeted, and what competitors are doing.
  • Strategic thinking about how to align your content plan with your brand promise and business goals.
  • Comprehensive editorial calendar development to map out topics of interest, publishing deadlines, content formats, distribution channels, and production resources.
  • Interviews, surveys, and research to uncover expertise within your company. We work with your subject matter experts to identify topics of interest, customer questions and pain points, where you already add value, and how you’re different from the competition.
  • Key message and content development support through our writing, editing, and video production expertise.
  • Media outreach and pitching to relevant journalists and influencers to increase exposure through “earned media”.
  • Media training and personal brand support for public-facing spokespeople.

Contact Us

Fill out a contact form to get things started. Or, skip the email formalities and call Silvio Napoleone

Tel 416 471 9783

Nubrand is an independent creative agency for the digital age. We provide strategic brand ideas, content, social media strategies and digital solutions for some of Canada’s best loved brands.